Golf Etiquette, Fitness


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One important thing you need to know is to how you should carry yourself when playing golf or when you’re around the golf course. As with the golf rul

Style for Golfers

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For all its mockeries, general golf clothing is probably very parallel with what you wear off the course. From the plus-fours of the pioneers, to the

Nutrition for Golfers

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Healthy eating patterns need to help support your needs of being fit, spirited, and ability to play golf. When it comes to nutrition, the talks always


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All it could take is one weekend to watch the tour pros play and make you understand that golf, just like any other sport requires exercises. The game

Mental Preparation for Golfers

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This is the part where most of the laypersons would fail. If you want to graduate and play at the elite level, you need the right mental attitude. Ens